Nepal to India has decided to withdraw its ambassador Dip Kumar upadhyayake. The country's president has canceled upcoming tour of Kathmandu. Nepalese officials said Saturday. A few months after the incident, tension in relations between the two neighbors is expected to be under pressure again.
Last week, Prime Minister KP Sharma alira ally Maoists had threatened to topple the government. The opposition Nepali Congress to support the accusations against the ambassador Dip Kumar. The announcement by the Maoists in parliament, there is widespread uncertainty. However, they withdrew the threat. Custodian trying to topple the government of India was convinced that some feel.
A government official said on condition of anonymity in Kathmandu, close to the instructor of the Nepali Congress and the government had no role in the change from apparent effort. That is the main reason to remove him.
Foreign-policy adviser to Prime Minister Gopal Khanal alira not mentioned any specific reason, if the country does not properly represent the government has the right to withdraw any angel.
India's NDTV reports, Nepal's cabinet decision yesterday to withdraw ambassador upadhyayake Deep Kumar, sources said. The government's complaint against the ambassador Dip Kumar, Delhi, Kathmandu and overthrow the government led by Prime Minister alira active role.
Earlier in the morning cabinet meeting, the prime minister said Dip Kumar Oli. Vidya Devi Bhandari, president of Nepal's visit to India was canceled. The ambassador was not informed before the news of the cancellation of the tour.
According to NDTV, the prime minister said in response to the ambassador when talking on the phone while moving in a new Nepal-India relations, the issue of the withdrawal was not deluxe. He was not at all informed about the cancellation of the President's visit to India. According to the report, the Prime Minister said the custodian, if the objection to resign.
A top aide said the prime minister of Nepal, Deep Kumar upadhyayake ambassador was uncomfortable with the prime minister before.
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