The BJP and the Congress raised the issue of corruption in the same seat, Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal. A party rally in Delhi on Saturday, he said, the Congress Centre, the BJP government of corruption, such as foot-and one does not want to move, the Congress, the Prime Minister Narendra Modi as 'fake' degrees keeps the mouth sealed. Makes no question.
The movement against corruption Aam Aadmi Party (AAP), Arvind Kejriwal gave birth. Delhi has power. Spread over a bribe agasta Westland helicopter after the news became known yesterday, Kejriwal said the two parties bashfully. Yantaramantarera yekhanataya BJP rally on Friday against the roar of the Congress, Kejriwal held a rally yesterday, where the team is "basically on the same as described.
A few days ago, Prime Minister Narendra Modi Kejriwal raised questions about the educational qualifications and degrees. Yesterday he said he wondered context, we find it everywhere, seen, from any college in Delhi, Modi did not pass the BA. The MA degree from the University of Gujarat has grab. He did not pasai BA, he received his MA degree in what? "Kejriwal said, surprise! No Congress leaders still did not raise the question of false claims. As well as the helicopter scandal Modi government over the past two years and has not gotten a foot. Unable to insert one of the bribe prison. Even the slightest scandals involving land did not take action against Priyanka's husband Robert polite. The government of Haryana and Rajasthan, the BJP.
Delhi Chief Minister Narendra Modi over the alleged fake degree, said: "There are many people in the world, who has worked as a shocking without being educated. Modi, to recognize the word, you do not have a degree. Take apologized for the false claim. If you do not have to rise around the question. "
The movement against corruption Aam Aadmi Party (AAP), Arvind Kejriwal gave birth. Delhi has power. Spread over a bribe agasta Westland helicopter after the news became known yesterday, Kejriwal said the two parties bashfully. Yantaramantarera yekhanataya BJP rally on Friday against the roar of the Congress, Kejriwal held a rally yesterday, where the team is "basically on the same as described.
A few days ago, Prime Minister Narendra Modi Kejriwal raised questions about the educational qualifications and degrees. Yesterday he said he wondered context, we find it everywhere, seen, from any college in Delhi, Modi did not pass the BA. The MA degree from the University of Gujarat has grab. He did not pasai BA, he received his MA degree in what? "Kejriwal said, surprise! No Congress leaders still did not raise the question of false claims. As well as the helicopter scandal Modi government over the past two years and has not gotten a foot. Unable to insert one of the bribe prison. Even the slightest scandals involving land did not take action against Priyanka's husband Robert polite. The government of Haryana and Rajasthan, the BJP.
Delhi Chief Minister Narendra Modi over the alleged fake degree, said: "There are many people in the world, who has worked as a shocking without being educated. Modi, to recognize the word, you do not have a degree. Take apologized for the false claim. If you do not have to rise around the question. "
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