Wednesday, April 20, 2016

A decline in media freedom worldwide

A decline in media freedom worldwide
In 015 worldwide press freedom situation has deteriorated; Especially in America. The world of free media on Wednesday published its annual index, according to Reporters Without Borders.
The France press freedom around the world, working with the organization in this regard in their report, "A new era propaganda 'has to be careful. Media freedom, sbaniyantrana, rule of law, as a measure of transparency and abuse of things that are made out of 180 countries on the index.
The report this year warned the media about the case is referred to an atmosphere of panic, "a kind of oppressive leaders of legal journalism attempt to create fear or mental impairment running."
Reporters Without Borders secretary-general, said Christopher dilayara, all parts of the world, freedom of the press is low tide. There is particular concern about the countries of Latin America. He said measure all indicators showed deterioration. Many governments fear levels enough public debate on the media are trying to regain control.
Christopher dilayara also due to new technologies for power is now gradually becoming easier to reach the public directly to the gate. And upon doing it independent or impartial information, violence against them (for example, via SMS fear) levels also rise. He said, "We are entering a new era propaganda; This is where the power of the new technology is low cost to the dissemination of information as directed. "
Especially in Latin America, the situation is referred to gemreche roots.
177 out of 180 countries ranked in the Index rankings are grhayuddhakabalita Syria. There after China (176). 179 anniversary of the communist state of North Korea's position. And at the end of the Eritrea. Japan dropped 7 th place. Japan's position has worsened in France. The US now dropped seven places to 45th. Finland topped the six consecutive year. Then there are the Netherlands and Norway respectively.

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